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억제대 비사용 케어
취약한 노인을 위한 개별화된 접근
저자 : Neville E. Strumpf, Joanne Patterson Robinson, Joan Stockman Wagner, Lois K. Evans
역자 : 공은희, 조은희, 송은진, 김향
판형 : 4x6배판 / 제본 : 무선철
페이지 : 200p
ISBN : 978-89-6069-419-4
발행일 : 2014-11-01
가격 : 15,000원
책소개 목차 저자/역자소개 도서자료/PPT 독자서평
이 책은 미국의 억제대 사용 감소에 지대한 공헌을 한 Strumpf, Robinson, Wagner, Evans가 저
술한 “Restraint-Free Care: Individualized Approaches for Frail Elders”를 완역한 번역서이
다. 지난 20년 동안 억제대 사용의 해로움에 대한 많은 논문과 보고에도 불구하고 억제대는 전 세
계적으로 아직도 많이 사용되고 있다. 우리나라에서도 연구결과 및 실무자들에 의하면 억제대 사
용률이 매우 높으며, 억제대 사용으로 인한 부작용들도 심각한 상태이다.
그러나 우리나라의 억제대 사용률을 감소시키기 위해서 실무자들이 참고하고 활용할 자료들은
매우 부족한 실정이다. 이에 역자들은 이 책이 우리나라 억제대 사용감소 및 비사용에 큰 도움이
되기를 기원하면서 번역을 하였다. 이 역서는 최대한 원저 내용을 그대로 번역하였고, 원저자들과
여러 번 만나 자문을 구해서 원저자들의 의도를 그대로 전하려 노력하였으며, 한국의 독자들이 이
해하기 쉽도록 정확하면서도 매끄러운 번역을 위해 심혈을 기울였다.
다만 1998년에 출판된 원서의 개정판이 출판되지 않아서 이 책의 내용 중 매우 일부분의 내용
(약물사용, 영양)에서 현재의 가이드라인과 맞지 않는 부분들이 있음을 독자들이 고려해서, 이 책
의 활용에 있어서 주의를 해주기를 바란다. 그리고 독자들이 원서 저자들의 서문들을 꼭 읽기를 부

책소개 목차 저자/역자소개 도서자료/PPT 독자서평
CAHPTER 1 억제대 비사용 케어 달성

CAHPTER 2 변화 과정 실행

CAHPTER 3 행동에 대한 이해: 개별화된 간호의 초석

CAHPTER 4 행동 현상에 대한 반응

CAHPTER 5 낙상 위험 사정 및 상해를 입히는 낙상 예방

CAHPTER 6 치료 방해하는 대상자 간호

CAHPTER 7 변화의 과정 유지

책소개 목차 저자/역자소개 도서자료/PPT 독자서평
<< 저자 >>
Neville E. Strumpf, PhD, RN, C, FAAN, is an Associate Professor in the School of Nursing at the University of Pennsylvania and holds the Doris Schwartz Term Chair in Gerontological Nursing. She is Director of the Center for Gerontologic Nursing Science and of the Gerontological Nurse Practitioner Program. Dr. Strumpf has been widely recognized for work dedicated to restraint-free care in hospitals and nursing homes, including being honored with the prestigious Baxter Foundation Episteme Award in 1995. Dr. Strumpf has served as principal investigator on numerous government and foundation research and program grants, has written many articles and book chapters, and has lectured widely both nationally and internationally on care of older adults. She serves on many boards and advisory panels related to quality care for the aging, has been honored by the American Nurses' Association, New York University, and Sigma Theta Tau.

Joanne Patterson Robinson, PhD, RN, CS, is an Assistant Professor in the College of Nursing at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Dr. Robinson served as a clinical director for the College's Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Teaching Nursing Home Project from 1983 to 1988. During doctoral study at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, Dr. Robinson assisted Drs. Lois Evans and Neville Strumpf as the gerontologic nurse specialist in the NIA-funded clinical trial on restraint reduction in nursing homes. In 1995, she was honored by the Clinical Medicine Section of the Gerontological Society of America for her NINR-funded study of responses of institutionalized older adults to urinary incontinence. Dr. Robinson has authored or co-authored a variety of articles in the areas of restraint reduction, urinary incontinence, nursing practice in nursing homes, and professional nursing issues. She has spoken on gerontological nursing topics at numerous local and national conferences, and serves on two advisory boards for the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services.

Joan Stockman Wagner, MSN, CRNP, is a Senior Manager at The Whitman Group, America's SeniorCare Specialist located in Huntingdon Valley, PA. Ms. Wagner is a certified geriatric nurse practitioner with extensive nursing experience caring directly for older adults. She is recognized for her work in educating health professionals about the care of older adults both nationally and internationally. Ms. Wagner haspresented educational programs to acute care and hospital-based nursing facility
staff, educational institutions, and various gerontology groups and is involved in
gerontologic product and resource development. Ms. Wagner has been a contributing
author to several publications related to clinical practice issues.

Lois K. Evans, DNSc, RN, FAAN, holds the Viola Maclnnes/Independence Chair in
Nursing at the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing where she is a professor
and directs the School's Academic Nursing Practices. Dr. Evans directed a Robert
Wood Johnson Foundation Teaching Nursing Home project, and has directed graduate
programs in gerontologic and geropsychiatric nursing. In 1995, she received the
prestigious Baxter Foundation Episteme Award for research on physical restraint
in hospitals and nursing homes. Currently, Dr. Evans is providing leadership in the
development and implementation of a model of academic nursing practice in a broad
range of community-focused services.

<< 역자 >>
공은희 가천대학교
조은희 연세대학교
송은진 가천대학교
김향 서울대학교

책소개 목차 저자/역자소개 도서자료/PPT 독자서평

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